“What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.”

- Crowfoot

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vogue, Anna Wintour and Feminist Theory.

I like to think of myself as a feminist. Though I wouldn't give up boys in favor of the 'superior sex.' I think of myself - don't shoot me now - as a more Maggie Thatcher ideal of feminist. I don't seriously think women are better than men, no matter how much I joke about it. And I don't think that women should be given special laws and special these and special those because we have been just soooo hard done by in the past that it needs to be made up for now. Like it will make any difference! Women are good enough that we don't need to be coddled and handed things like children - we are equal with men and can do many things just as well and some a lot better than men (have you ever seen a man push a football from between his legs?).

This was Magaret Thatcher's belief too. When feminists across England were calling for labour laws to be put into place to help women in the job market, Maggie Thatcher told them to get equality for themselves. Don't go crying to her about it. She was born in the upper middle class and made herself who she became, without any help from laws and double standards. She fought for what she deserved and got it all by herself. So it is no wonder she had no sympathy for the feminists who came whining to her about how unfair England was for women!

If only society, business and industry would recognize women for the role they play by offering equal pay for equal work - which they still don't. If only popular culture wouldn't demonize the women who act more like men in their industry. For instance, the dragon lady, the ice queen - Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine. Sure, she may not be sweet as honey to you if you make a mistake working for her - but how many male bosses (maybe Donald Trump) are all daisies and lollipops to those who work them? Which male executive doesn't rule his board room and everyone in it with an iron fist?

Do they have books and movies made about them? Are they the stuff of rumours, gossip, snide remarks or become the stuff of New York idioms? No. Because that is what everyone expects from a man. But when women do the same thing - suddenly because she isn't maternal and caring she is a bitch and an ice queen.

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